Shakespeare's Pants

Shakespeare's Pants: Teaser

Anjna Chouhan Season 1

Introducing Shakespeare's Pants: a new podcast all about poop, sex, hair, and other domestic body stuff. And pants. And Shakespeare. Enjoy!  

Dr. Anjna Chouhan: If you've ever wondered what boring daily activities like bathing, beautifying, and going to the toilet, were really like in ye oldie timies, and then thought about how such knowledge can help to make sense of bits of Shakespeare's works, then you need to listen to my awesome new podcast. It's all about domestic life in early modern England.

But the fun bits like pooing, snacking, shagging, and shaving. With expertise from literary scholars, medical, food, material culture, and theatre, historians, and something approaching insight from me, a Shakespearian, this podcast is going to be right up your proverbial alley. 

Dr. Pete Smith: So it seems to me that Shakespeare's onto onto a fart gag winner.

Dr. Tara Hamling: Protestant writers would encourage you to think about bodily  functions in relation to momento mori.

Professor Rebecca Earle: Foods that produced copious bowel movements were not nourishing! 

Amie Bolissian: Sex is warming. It's heating, and old people are cold. So actually as long as it's not to excess and as long as it's in a marriage, it's a really healthy thing to 

Dr. Alun Withey: Um, so the idea was that the, these gasses rise up through the man's body heat rises, and they break out on the face and they coagulate  to form beard hair.

Dr. Anjna Chouhan: All this, and plenty more on my podcast, Shakespeare's Pants!

Announcer: Coming soon to all the trendiest podcast platforms.

Jingle: Shakespeare's Pants!